April 24, 2023

The Physical Informs the Spiritual (Tazria-Metzora)

In today’s פרשיות, we encounter intricate instructions regarding the procedure for identifying a מצורע. Various verses elaborate on the specific criteria, such as changes in color, size, and hair, that must be met to diagnose someone as a מצורע. However, the practical applications of these regulations are not explicitly mentioned. […]
April 10, 2023

The Anticlimactic Seder

The miracles were wonderous events that God performed for us. But they are not the point of the story. Now that He has redeemed us we must prepare to begin the next stage. We must discuss the technical details of the Seder so we understand the laws of how the celebration must be made. This is what we are entrusted to teach our children.
March 12, 2023

Parshat Ki Tisa

The elitism then of שבט לוי as opposed to the other שבטים is one of higher education. In a time when education was primarily a familial responsibility it was necessary to ensure one family retained the task of ensuring proper technical and detailed instructions were taught to future generations.
March 12, 2023


כותב is doing an action that will form permanent words, numbers or pictures. That action does not necessarily need to be a form of writing. Instead, any action that will form words will be an איסור מדאורייתא. מוחק is the reverse of כותב. That is, the removal of letters in order to make space for new letters to be written down.
January 29, 2023


An erroneous position attributed to Judaism is that tattooed individuals cannot be buried in Jewish cemeteries. Nevertheless, tattooing is clearly Biblically prohibited by Jewish law. Here, we define this prohibition and determine how those qualifications affect cosmetic tattooing, specifically, microblading.