Torah Corner

The Torah blog of Rabbi Yosef A. Cohen, MD of the Fleetwood Synagogue

Below you can find links to blog posts covering a range of topics. Rabbi Cohen writes about the parsha, chagim, and halacha, as well as a range of medical questions and how these topics overlap. 

There are also posts available on YUTorah by both Rabbis Cohen and Dayan.

The top of the page displays the most recent posts, while the categories section below can connect you to summaries and posts on a particular topic. 

Recent Posts

  • The Fleetwood Synagogue SoundCloud Page

    In addition to the various blog posts directly on the Torah Corner here on the Fleetwood Synagogue website, there are a large number of audio files on the Fleetwood SoundCloud page. These are audio only, without written commentary beyond the file name. The entire page is embedded below, although only a […]

  • Moshe the Individual; Esther the Leader

    No where else is a four and a half letter word asked to accomplish so much. The first word of the third sefer of Chummush is ויקרא, with a small א. Midrashim followed by the Rishonim offer a number of insights into both the reasoning for the little א and […]

  • Taanit Esther Message

    How can we celebrate Purim while our people are engaged in war in Israel and we face anti-Semitism around the world?

  • A Note on Shomer Shabbas Residency

    There is much discussion regarding the attitude religious medical students should have when considering ranking shomer shabbas residencies. There are two components to keeping shabbas. One is the prohibition from doing certain actions (basically, the 39 melachos) and two is the obligation to celebrate shabbas (rest, make kiddush, not fast […]

  • The Evolution of God’s Presence

    Allow me to engage your creative side for a few moments. Come, join me, as we picture the magnificence of the Beit HaMikdash. Lets assume it is Erev Pesach. We travel together from distant lands to come eat the Karbon Pesach in Yerushalyim. After long travels, we finally reach the […]

  • The Purpose of the Ten Plagues

    The dramatic and exciting exit from Egypt is quickly undermined by the Egyptian’s almost instantaneous regret of allowing the Jewish people to leave. Furious by the departure of their slaves, seeking revenge for the utter destruction on their land and people, the powerful Egyptian calvary, led by Paroh, geared up […]

  • Accusation of the Brothers

    The second of the confrontations between Yosef and his brothers has been given much less thought than the original dramatic, ויגש אליו יהודה. It is however much more depressing. Here, the brothers have lived together for a number of years and once their father dies they are immediately concerned that […]

  • Chanukah

    Few episodes in Tanach stand as models of terrible events that will befall the Jewish people throughout their history. In brutal fashion brothers, flesh and blood, gathered together and plotted to murder and then eventually settled on selling one of their own. Tragic in its own right, the episode will […]

  • Avraham Woke Up Early: a model of compassion

    Jews have always responded to tragedy and triumph in similar ways, namely, understanding the events through a halachic prism. The recent war has resulted in the reproduction of halachic literature not seen in some time either condemning or praising the Israeli army’s careful consideration of the targets it picks in […]

Categories of the Posts of the Torah Corner

Tags of the Posts of the Torah Corner Blog

39 melachot (3) audio (2) beginning of life (1) chagim (5) chanukah (1) electricity (3) English (44) fast (1) gozez (1) Hebrew (3) Israel (1) medical halacha (14) medicine (1) microphone (1) migglah (1) parsha (1) Pesach (2) plastic surgery (2) Purim (3) residency (1) saris (1) Shabbat (6) shofar (1) surgery (2) talking (1) tattoo (1) wounding (1) writing (2)