April 25, 2023

Matza, An Expression of Talmud Torah

Lomdus, the analytical explanation of Talmudic principles is a fascinating intellectual endeavor, that often allows for understanding and appreciating certain halachic principles. For example, as we’ve discussed in the past, there are two components of the mitzvat Talmud torah. One, the מצווה חיובית, that is the obligatory requirement to engage […]
April 25, 2023

Parshat Zachor

Three prominent enemies of the Jewish people appear throughout the Torah but only one bears the title of eternal enemy of the Jewish people. The מצרים enslaved us for hundreds of years. They drowned our babies and tormented our people. And yet, of them the Torah tells us לא תתעב […]
April 10, 2023

The Anticlimactic Seder

The miracles were wonderous events that God performed for us. But they are not the point of the story. Now that He has redeemed us we must prepare to begin the next stage. We must discuss the technical details of the Seder so we understand the laws of how the celebration must be made. This is what we are entrusted to teach our children.