The Prayer of Rosh Hashana
October 3, 2023
Halachic Talking Part II
October 3, 2023
The Prayer of Rosh Hashana
October 3, 2023
Halachic Talking Part II
October 3, 2023

Yom Kippur: Remembering Why


Now is the time. Over the last month we have spent a significant amount of time preparing for this final moment. We have reached the climax of the יום כיפור service. We fasted all day, prayed all day in preparation for the last תפילה we will now say together as שערי שמים begin to close.

Last year, I introduced to you my theory on the difference between תשעה באב and יום כיפור. Both on תשעה באב and יום כיפור many of the סליחות have similar themes. That is, the פייטנים described horrible episodes in Jewish history that were then incorporated into the תפילה.

However, I believe that there is an important difference. During תשעה באב the point is to recount the horrible events that transpired to allow us to experience the travesty of the day. However, on יום כיפור the idea is to invoke the זכות צדיקים of those people to help us attain תשובה.

I do believe that there is an additional element as well. My brother, currently completing his basic training in גולני was recently taken along with his unit to Yad Vashem. Before they began their tour of the travesties done to our people during the Holocaust, their commander called them over. He emphasized the reason they repeatedly showed our soldiers such exhibits was to ensure that they לזכור את הלמה—to remember the why. There is a reason we must ensure we have a powerful army. We must do whatever we can to ensure our people are never slaughtered like cattle by the butcher ever again.

While in previous years, only some of us may have some personal experience that makes it easier for us to relate to those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their fellows Jews, this year, unfortunately, the same experience has gotten closer to home. Just over a week ago, immediately after beginning פסוקי דזמרה, the Westchester K-9 units asked us to vacate our shul so they can search our premise for bombs due to unspecified threats to our neighboring brothers. While thankfully there were no actualized threats, the reminder on the ימים נוראים of our constant enemies, the reminder of לזכור את הלמה, was brought too close to home.

I would use the same argument for a slightly broader context. לזכור את הלמה is not only the reason we support our soldiers. It also reminds us why we need to do תשובה. Through the process of תשובה we enhance our relationship with God. Increasing that intimacy allows us to know how to respond to what we are praying for both personally and for our people. לזכר את הלמה reminds us what is at stake when we lay siege to the gates of heaven to beg God to grant us healthy families, success in our endeavors and safety for our people.

Originally the חזן of each community would compose פיוטים each year to inspire people to do תשובה, an endeavor that would allow for new תפילות as well as ensuring the poems recited were relevant for the people. Easing for the congregants engaging to תפילה to appreciate לזכור את הלמה. Following that formulation while I do not have the talent or authority to compose a פיוט, I will orally describe a recent episode in our history that occurred at this time, which my grandfather recounts every year at this time, that will hopefully help inspire our own תפילות on this יום הדין, and remind us as well לזכור את הלמה.

יואב יקיר מכפר רופין שבעמק בית שאן:

In 1967, in a surprise campaign the Israeli’s launched the Six Day War and tripled the size of their little country. In 1973, on יום כיפור the Arabs launch a surprise attack in retaliation. From the north, they launch an attack from Syria toward the Golan.

The Golan is protected by two tank units, the 74th battalion in the north and the 53 in the South. The Syrians outnumber the Israelis significantly and have cut off the two battalions. Unit 188, commanded by יואב יקיר is composed of three tanks, four in a tank with a total of 12 people. They have been at their post since 3 p.m.

They are protecting ישוב רמת מקשיבים, just 2 km south of them. The ישוב has women and children sheltering from the artillery fire. Most of the men have reported to their units except for the few that remained as part of the force protecting the north. One of the men that was there was my grandfather רופא גדודי, the doctor responsible for all the tank units in the north. The ישוב has no idea what is happening in the north.

At 7 pm יאיר נפשי the head of 74th גדוד gets a call from יואב.

קודקוד פלג כאן 3 של שדר ברשת שלך עבור

Recall יואב’s commander is the 53rd unit. יאיר does not understand why the soldier his very close good friend who he trained is calling him, the commander of the northern group instead of his own commander in the south.

כאן קודקוד פלג רות עבור

יואב tells his close mentor:

כאן 3 של שדר, נותרו לי שמונה “סוכריות” בלבד ואני מזהה מולי 12 כבדים של האויב מה לעשות?

– I have 8 “candies” left and I see 12 enemy tanks, what should I do?

יאיר understand immediately and his heart drops. יואב is not calling for advice. He is calling to say good bye.

3 של שדר כאן קודקוד פלג, תעשה הכל להחזיק מעמד. בהצלחה. סוף

– Do what you can to maintain your position. Good luck. Over.

And נפשי allows a tear to drop. A few minutes after 8 p.m. יואב is killed. The Syrains get past his position, but his men and the village manage to escape.

יואב החזיק מעמד. He maintained his position until the end. לזכור את הלמה

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