Community Events – Upcoming Events
Over the next few months we are looking forward to the following events:
- Sukkah Decorating (October)
- Simchat Torah Luncheon (October)
- (Officially!) Welcome Rabbi Cohen! (November)
- Challah Bake (November)
- Pre-Chanukah Community Shabbat Dinner (December)
- Chanukah Party (December)
- Motzei Shabbat Parent Child Learning about Chanukah (December)
See below for the list of our annual events and celebrations!
Labor Day Barbecue
Sukkah Decorating
Simchat Torah Community Dinner
Comedy Night
Pre-Chanukah Community Shabbat Dinner
Chanukah Party
Annual Charles Sidlow Memorial Lecture Series
Tu’Bshvat Kiddush
Chulent Cook Off Community Lunch
Purim Party
Annual Dinner
Yom Ha’atzmaut Barbecue
Shavuot Community Dinner